A lapsus just lapsed
From my mind through my lips
When I asked to myself
"What CAN I really want?"
Instead of
"What DO I really want?"
Which is still better
Than the plain
Brutal question
"What CAN I really DO?"
(C) Vera da Pozzo
Paris, 27th October 2024
Below, some pictures taken by me last week, when I visited Marceline and Isidore during their stay in Paris.
Even if they didn't know me, they knew I was a friend.
Animals always know better.
Poem and pictures (C) Vera da Pozzo
(C) Italy is Mine
(C) Italy is Mine and It owes Me a Living

#whatcanIwant #whatdoIwant #whatcanIdo #questions #life #hen #rooster #animals #Paris #poetry #photography #VeradaPozzo #ItalyisMine #italyismineanditowesmealiving