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Italy is mine

... and it owes me a living

Art and Nature, music and literature, animal and human rights, freedom of thought and speech, kindness, culture and education without boundaries.

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Vera da Pozzo, an Italian expat in Paris.

From the Island of the Sun to the Isle of France.

My pseudonym Vera da Pozzo is a pun alluding to what I care about most : truth and loyalty, depth and insight. In my mother tongue, the syntagma "vera da pozzo" means a puteal, but it could be a female name followed by a family name. Water is indispensable for living, and we need to keep it pure and unpolluted; it is the same for truth.
I write in English because I love this language since my childhood and also because English allows me to have a more detached view on both Italy and France. The title of my personal website and blog is a paraphrasis of the verse "England is mine and it owes me a living", from Morrissey's song "Still Ill", released in The Smiths debut album "The Smiths" on 20th February 1984. As Italy had nothing to offer to young people like me, I decided to throw my arms around Paris, as Oscar Wilde did, and I am still here. Like francophone actor Lino Ventura, I am and I will always be Italian.

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Epiphany and Anniversary

On this Day I left my Home, City and Country For the Unknown And - somehow - there is still A part of Unknown In the Life I have made And...

Some doors have to be closed

Some doors have to be closed for good The sanest thing to do is keep them closed To people ruining other people's life Because they just...

In memoriam

Everybody's Friend Was your Name But Nobody knows What drew You into The Unutterable Void That seemed so airy To your weary Heart Unhappy...

Good Times for a Change, Times for a Good Change

It is time to get rid of All the Bad Things And the Sad Thoughts Weighing on my Soul Like Uninvited Guests I have washed away All of Them...

Joy to this Knockabout World

Somewhere Somehow I am Here And Now Vera da Pozzo, Italy (not at home), 25th December 2024 Pictures taken by me, somewhere in Italy,...

The Day when my Childhood died

Twenty Years ago I bought my Flight To the Unknown And I thought I would announce You But You did not wait And with You My Childhood died...

Oscar, the Immortal Outcast

We share just a little bit of The Twentieth Century But I have always felt Myself As a Nineteenth-century Soul Your Gentle Face, so...

La vie en rose... in spite of the black cloud

Life is never easy, but Nature is my true and only guide in this Knockabout World . I am really tired of all the envious and evil people...

Max and I

Max, you came to Paris from Canada Just to find and love Me this Night "Oh, he really loves You!", Says the Lady you belong to And I tell...

Poets, Politicians and the Fall of Civilizations

Too busy and tired to rewrite the final part of my last article that had not be saved on Wix, I have just the time to publish a quote...

Just let...

Just let Your Kindness flourish And Their Envy languish Let Your Love astonish And Their Hatred perish Just Relish Cherish Burnish...

Wisdom and Beauty overcome Sadness

I could not tell why, when I was a child, Gente di Dublino (the Italian translation of Dubliners ) by James Joyce appealed to me so...

Silver Boy, go and shine in the Darkness

Houston, Texas, this evening. Artwork drawn by me between yesterday and today (30th-31st October). Detail of a picture I took the day...

Foggy Day

Somewhere in Paris, this morning. The same place, four days ago: an unexpected Sicilian blue sky in a Parisian icy-cold morning. Two...

What can I really want?

A lapsus just lapsed From my mind through my lips When I asked to myself "What CAN I really want?" Instead of "What DO I really want?"...

καιρός - Kairos

May Kairos be with Us At the turning points (there are always many) In Our Messed up Lives And may We be ready to Seize the Flying Moment...

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