This is a very old and a really odd world, where peace sounds like a celestial song we will never sing all together, because the human race never learns from its mistakes.
I made this artwork three weeks ago, sitting at a bistrot where I can enjoy a good light for writing and drawing, and also the best vegan couscous in Paris.
Since I was a child, I am fond of Greek mythology: the myth of Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders has inspired me for illustrating Morrissey's song World Peace is None of Your Business (2014) from the album of the same name.

Another picture, taken with the flash, in order to show the effect of the bright coulour gel pens I used.
Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the drawing in black and white, made with a black Bic pen, as I do for almost all my artworks: since I was 11, I like using pens more than pencils.

Work in progress:

The finished artwork:

Farnese Atlas (II century AD) is an ancient Roman statue and the oldest extant representation of the titan Atlas.
Napoli / Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale.
Two weeks later - that is, one week ago, I left this message to God:

Morrissey & Boz Boorer, World Peace is None of Your Business, recorded in February 2014 and released on 13th May, as a single from the album which was released on 15th July of the same year - and I dearly wish it would be reissued soon:
Another Morrissey's song about human cruel silliness is I Bury the Living: the song's title is a quote from a 1958 horror movie with the same title, written by Louis A. Garfinkle, directed by Albert Band and starring Richard Boone and Theodore Bikel.

Reality is always scarier than fiction, and war is just an example of the scariest things that human beings can do to their own kind.
The disturbing change in the melody at the ending of the song perfectly translates in music the cynism of the lyrics, destroying the hypocritical rhetoric of the "good, innocent soldier".

Morrissey & Jessie Tobias, I Bury the Living, from the album Low in High School, released on 17th November 2017.
Live version from Morrissey's gig at Dublin's 3Arena on 20th February 2018:
Unfortunately, I wasn't on holidays at that time to enjoy this concert, so I am very grateful to Charles Slane for having filmed it and uploaded the video on YouTube.
(C) Vera da Pozzo, Italy is Mine - and It owes Me a Living.