The prince says that the world will be saved by beauty!
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, "The Idiot", 1868-1869.
Arcangelo Corelli was born on this day, 371 years ago, in Fusignano, near Ravenna.
He died in 1713 in Rome and he was buried in the Pantheon.
From his twelve Concerti grossi, the Concerto in G minor, Fatto per la Notte di Natale, also known as Christmas Concerto.
Arcangelo Corelli (17 February 1653 - 8 January 1713), 12 Concerti Grossi, Op. 6, No. 8; Concerto in G minor / ‘Fatto per la Notte di Natale’ (Christmas Concerto).
Musica Amphion ensemble.
Conductor: Pieter-Jan Belder.
24 December 2017, Het Concertgebouw, Amsterdam.
Picture of croci (crocuses) taken by me today at my favourite Parisian park.
(C) Vera da Pozzo, 17 February 2024.
