Just let
Your Kindness flourish
And Their Envy languish
Let Your Love astonish
And Their Hatred perish
Yourself and
Your Own Life
It's Time to
Treat Yourself
As You Treat
The Others
And even Better
For You deserve It
More than Them.
Vera da Pozzo, Paris, 9th November 2024
Above: detail and resized picture I took on 7th November, in a place where trees and birds help me to focus on the good things, ignoring all the "people who I'd much rather kick in the eye" instead of smiling at.
I believe in the power of Kindness, but I am aware that "certain people I know" will never be touched by the Gift of Empathy. So, I stay true to myself and my values, and to hell to all the hateful people.
Poem and photos
(C) Vera da Pozzo
(C) Italy is Mine
(C) Italy is Mine and It owes Me a Living
#JustLet #nature #people #kindness #empathy #emptypeople #ignoringhatefulpeople #HeavenKnowsImMiserableNow #CertainPeopleIknow #Morrissey #TheSmiths